Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Class of 1981

I have been asked by several folks to help put something together.

I can't do this alone there are many people talking back and forth. But I think its time to step into a higher gear now.

Ok its time to start forming a group and talk with pete any volunteers i have the blog set up and email address to collect info. so lets get this going on forming a group i live in va and can do computer work etc....we need to start looking for people and getting some idea for location time date etc and replies as to who is really interested. i have some email addresses if you all do a little we can "git her done" as they say

Saturday, August 15, 2009

some random thoughts

As I venture through life, I am learning people who appeared to think they were better then me are proving me wrong. While others just continue to show thier colors, we see it every day we just dont think about it. When we do think about it sometimes we show our true colors as well. I will never stop being amazed by people they surprize you when you think there is no way it can happen.

In my recent search for pictures I can across something mean which was written to me. My first reaction was I am glad you are dead you son of a ***** . I regretted this a minute later as it is that meanness that is my motivator to keep this blog and the in memory section going. I am a better person for the events that have happened to me. I

I keep getting notes from folks thanking me for this blog, and the truth is I am the grateful that someone is reading this blog.

Thanks for the support

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tom Pierro class of 78

Click on any poem to see it in full size.

This is my way of saying thank you. One of your poems meant alot to me and changed my life for the better.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

With Sara's passing I have been thinking about the classmates that have passed. The more I think about it the less time I have to hold on to bad memories of people who at this point deserve forgiveness simply because I believe they simply did not know any better at the time they were hateful. A good number of people are on facebook, a few on my space, some have both, others are on classmates. At least we can keep up with each other this way. There are now 2 groups in face book Roy's reunion setup http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1121478767#/event.php?eid=54825203055 and this new one http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1121478767#/group.php?gid=27285210597 We still have a few people who are either too busy or too good to respond to contact requests. This is their loss not ours. The good news is most people are not in this group. I am not bitter just a bit disapointed in human nature. It is strange when you can remember things you have learned. Like how you learned to spell a word for the 1st time. Ms. or Mrs tallent 3 rd grade. Boys Eat Candy Apples Under Sams Elephant That separate “has a rat in it”. Or may he rest in peace Mr Majury who to this day has put the cause of ww2 as ROT (rubbber oil & tin). Pearl harbor attacks reenacted in the class room. ****UPDATE ***Mr Majury is alive and well.****I could go on but will continue this thought at later time. As I went thru my years in the brick school, I learned many lessons from this experience. I also learned from my life as an adult. Life is too short not to enjoy it. There is never any good reason to not acknowledge the importance the people play in our lives. You should never wait to pick up the phone and call someone when you think of them.(unless its late of course) Friends enter your life for a reason, and sometimes the reason is not known to us. We have to take the journey we are lead on then learn the reason. Recently I had posted a class picture that had been sent to me by a friend. My copy was destroyed in 8th grade by me after a nasty remark was made(my mistake). I was grateful to get the copy I got. At this time I will ask any one on facebook get your class pictures up on your profile If you can. I have lost all but one other which is not in good shape at this time due to its age. Also some prom pictures are showing up keep them coming guys... untill next post just a last minute thought considering a get together in nc or that area and one in nj possibly in the fall. any sugestions send an email or find me on my space or facebook. carol

41 year reunion

  41 year reunion September 17, 2022 RiverRock